05 | Smile - Teresa Bergman

Seit 2001 veranstalten wir das Internationale Straßenmusikfestival in Ludwigsburg – eines der jährlichen musikalischen Highlights in der Region mit mehreren tausend begeisterten Besuchern und für pulsmacher ein wahres Herzensprojekt.

Teresa Bergman aus Berlin ist Jazzmusikerin aus Berufung, macht Straßenmusik mit Leidenschaft und war schon vier Mal bei unserem Festival zu Gast. Mit „Smile“ erzählt sie gefühlvoll, warum Straßenmusik allen ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubert.


I know I’m going somewhere
When I wake up each day and paint me a rainbow on my dial
Cos too many people seem to think that paper stuffed in their pockets
Might teach em’ how to smile
And there’s a power to standing still
As the minions rush by in search of their next big thrill
There’s a power to the momentary seam
The in-between

I know I’m going somewhere
When I wake up each day and paint me a purpose in my life
Cos too many people seem to think that zeros piled after commas
Might teach em’ how to smile
And there’s a power to standing stillAs the minions rush by in search of their next big kill
There’s a power to that momentary grace
When the song you’ve sung can’t come undone and you see it on her face
And the light goes green
Her eyes they gleam they’ve seen the in-between

I know I’m going somewhere
When I wake up each day and paint me that rainbow on my dial
Cos too many people seem to think that paper stuffed in their pockets
Might teach em’ how to smile
Oh no, no it won’t teach you
How to smile